Ernest Lluch Centre

Project description

The Ernest Lluch Centre is a 2015 building located on the Camino to the swimming pool of Herrera del Duque Street (Badajoz) (39°10’01.9″N 5°03’46.6″W). It is a new building destined as a day-care centre for people with Alzheimer and other dementias.


  • The thermal enclosure without thermal bridges is resolved using an outer jacket with XPS insulation and continuous external insulation (SATE) of LM.
  • The maximum watertight enclosure through the sealing and arrangement of self-expanding joints in high-performance joinery.
  • The incorporation of air-source heat pumps with a high-efficiency system in the production of ACS.
  • The incorporation of a double flow ventilation system with high-efficiency heat recovery.
  • The incorporation of a CO2 probe in the ventilation return duct to guarantee the maintenance of the air quality inside the building.